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Balanced Parenting

September, 2014

 Mommy Guilt Newsletter!



Upcoming Events!



Coffee with Bette

this coming

Tuesday, Sept. 2nd


The Stonehaus







is on hiatus for the month of September, but will resume on October 8th!




Tues., October 14th

7:00 PM

I'll be speaking on "Raising Kids in an Ever-Changing World of Technology"

Don't miss this event!


It will be held at My Gym

Thousand Oaks


Sponsored by

Balanced Parenting


My Gym



"Coffee with Bette in the Valley"


is on hiatus for the month of September, but will resume on October 16th!







Like me on Facebook 


Follow me on Twitter 


balancedparenting on Instagram










Well, September is here already! Is this year flying by or is it just me?


So, I've been struggling with some things about the coming month and I hope we can all take away something of value from this struggle.  I work hard...sometimes too hard.  That is no one's fault but my own. I'm very blessed to do work that I love and to work with people with whom I enjoy.  So here's my struggle...I have some commitments this month that have forced me to cancel a couple of our monthly on-going events.  It was a hard decision, but sometimes we have to put ourselves and/or our families before our work. Or even sometimes we have to put our work before our families!  Here's the problem...I feel immensely GUILTY.  Not that I'm doing anything wrong or that I would change my decision in any way.  I just feel guilty.


Many parents, especially moms, describe to me the pull of mommy-guilt.  "Of course, there's no time for self-care, I feel too guilty taking the time for me." or "I bought him the toy because I had to travel this week and I felt bad for not being around."  The strongest type of guilt that I see is divorce guilt.  "Look what I've done to my kids' lives! How can I say 'no' about this?"  


Mommy-guilt (and Daddy-guilt) is a dangerous and slippery slope, but we all fall into it at times.  Guilt is a normal and I would even venture to say a healthy part of parenting.  It helps us re-evaluate and to keep our balance.  It's ok to feel guilty, but the time to be careful is when acting as a result of guilt.  Truly evaluate what is best for your kids...not what will alleviate your guilt.  See your guilt as a gremlin that wants to sabotage your strength.  Don't let it win!


Wishing you balance,






coffee cup




September 2nd, 2014

9:30-11:00 AM

(First Tuesday of each month)

The Stonehaus

Westlake Village


Bring the kids

Bring your friends

Bring your most burning parenting questions!









 Raising teens can be "crazy".

Join us to make sense of it all! 





Will resume this month on

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

(The 3rd Wednesday of each month)

The Stonehaus

at the Westlake Village Inn

Westlake Village



Speaking Engagements Available!

Speaking to Parents in Groups, Schools, and Church/Synagogue Communities is one of my greatest joys. It enables me to share what I'm most passionate about and to give more parents tools and inspiration to make their families even better.

Thank you for introducing me to your community!

Now booking speaking engagements for Summer and Fall, 2014!




This past month we launched Momipedia! An amazing resource to answer all of your parenting questions by some amazing experts! 
Check out Momipedia here! 


I'm also so honored to be on, an online parenting university. 


Check out my Potty Learning Course here! 


Spread the word!!!!