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Balanced Parenting Newsletter

The Challenges and Rewards of Perseverance                      September, 2010                  

In This Issue
The Sweet Rewards of Perseverance!
Coffee with Bette
Support for Parents
  Join me on an exciting adventure...
 The Inspired Girls Success Summit
An amazing educational and motivational day for girls ages 12-19 and their parents!
I'll be facilitating the Inspired Parents programming.
Check out this link for all of the information!
We're planning to be in Los Angeles on October 9th!
Save the date!
Follow me on Twitter
Find me on Facebook 
View my profile on LinkedIn 
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Harold Thurman
(from my friend Randi) 


If you enjoy reading this newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, class ideas, article requests, constructive criticism or otherwise great ideas, feel free to let us know! 
Welcome to a new beginning on many levels!  It's a new school year, the Jewish New Year and a new chapter for Balanced Parenting! 
Beginnings bring excitement, new opportunities and sometimes a little anticipatory anxiety. My daughters started school this week and my youngest was very nervous.  When we don't know what to expect, it can be a little frightening.
My own beginnings include a tour to 5 cities across the U.S. with an organization called Inspired Girls and the publishing of my book Parenting Backwards.  (More details in this newsletter!)
I wish for you all new and exciting opportunities!
Wishing you balance,
The Hardest Things End Up Being the Most Rewarding!
What do you think of as your greatest accomplishments?  Raising my daughters is definitely up there, but I'm not quite done with that one.
Looking back, I consider getting my Marriage and Family Therapist license and finishing my new book two of my most rewarding accomplishments. 
What makes them so significant to me?  The fact that initially I didn't think I could do either of them!  I just didn't have the confidence that I had what it took.  Regardless, I took the necessary steps to embark on the journeys.  Literally, leaps of blind faith!
Along the way, there were many moments in which I felt hopeless that the goals would or could be achieved.  It was just too hard!  Giving up would have been much easier!
But I kept moving forward.  Some days felt effortless, but others felt like I was traveling through thick mud.  Worse yet, some days felt like I was headed in the wrong direction altogether!
Then, the end became closer and more visible.  In both instances, I remember feeling a little bit of disbelief that I might actually accomplish my goal!  I also felt a little bit scared of what comes next. 
The most important part for me was that I never gave up!  Even when I REALLY wanted to!
My deepest hope is that I can now teach my daughters about the value of perseverance.  Perhaps I've been teaching them all along? 
At the end of that long road, is definitely the sweetest of rewards!
Tell your kids about your own difficult challenges and the wonderful benefits of STICK-TO-IT-IVENESS!
This article is also posted on my blog.  See this and other blog posts here! 
Coffee with Bette  coffee cup
Our next Coffee with Bette is TOMORROW, September 7th from 9:30 to 11 A.M. at Chocolatine in Thousand Oaks.  Come ask me your parenting questions in one of my favorite settings! 
Have a latte and a pastry and some stimulating parenting chat!  Check out my website for the full address.  
Parents, kids, grandparents - everyone is welcome! 
We meet the first Tuesday of the month, every month!
Balanced Parenting Website 
P.S.  Don't forget, the parenting advice is free, but the coffee and pastries are not.  :)

Parents of Preschoolers
will meet next on 
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
7:30 - 9:00 P.M.
 in my Thousand Oaks office
We meet monthly for learning and support
This is an open group.
Everyone is welcome! 
This month's topic:
Strengthening your parenting "muscles" especially in the tough moments!
 $35.00 per person
$50.00 per couple
To R.S.V.P., or for further information, please e-mail
or call 805-230-2464
Feel free to pass along the information to anyone you know who might be interested!
The Balanced Parenting Learning Library Introduces:
Raising Our Kids to Become Fabulous Adults by Looking Forward and Working Backwards
 by Bette Levy Alkazian
edited by Karyn Blackmore-Hagy
Now available for pre-order!
 Until the website is up and running, just send me a quick email to reserve your copy

POTTY LEARNING: The Do's, Don'ts and the Oops of Poops

 (available in hard copy or electronically)Bette Alkazian, LMFT
Whether you've already accomplished potty training with your kids or not, you know what a frustrating time it can be.   

If you're somewhere in the process, not yet ready to begin or long past it, but know someone else, this book is a great resource!

 Go to my website and click on the Learning Library to purchase this e-book for only $9.99.
 Available in hard copy by email