Upcoming Events!
It's time for
"Coffee with Bette"
This coming
October 1st at
The Stonehaus in Westlake Village. Bring the kids and your parenting questions!
9:30-11 AM
If you don't find me, keep looking! I'll walk around with a sign, too.
Parent Support Group
for Parents of 0-12 Year Olds!
October 9th
7:30 - 9:00 P.M. in
my Westlake Village office
RSVP requested!
"Coffee with Bette
in the Valley"
October 17th
9:30-11 AM
Aroma Bakery & Cafe, Encino
Stay at home Dads!
Now there's a group just for you!
Join us for our first meeting on Wednesday evening, October 23rd from 7:30-9:00 P.M. in my Westlake Village office. RSVP preferred.
W(h)ine with Bette!
has arrived!
For Parents of Teens and Tweens!
We're beginning November 6th, 2013
7:00 - 8:30 PM
at The Stonehaus in Westlake Vlg.
No charge for the first month!
Spread the word!
Happy Autumn!
Is it just me or is it unbelievable that it's already October? I actually have a love/hate relationship with October. I love the season of fall; the changing colors of the leaves (as much as that happens in Southern California); the windy days; the impending holiday season...it's all very exciting. I don't love, however, Halloween. Not my favorite holiday. I have to remind myself to let go of the discomfort and just roll with the fun of it. I don't love the scary images all over the place (a by-product of having sensitive children myself, not to mention all of the families with whom I work) and the whole notion of "trick or treat" isn't exactly in line with my values. I know, I know...just have fun with it, Bette. The kids love it (for the most part) and our kids are learning good values in thousands of other ways, right? Ok, I've let it go.
If you're in agreement with me, just do what we've started doing in recent years: have a party with the neighbors! I never want to miss a party and it creates a happy time - and don't forget the Snickers! ;)
Stay grounded so you don't blow away in the winds!
Wishing you love and balance,
Bette Alkazian, LMFT
Balanced Parenting
Parenting tip of the month:
"There is nothing permanent except change." Heraclitus
Fall is a great time to talk about changes as the change of the seasons is all around us. Change is constant, as hard as many of us "control freaks" try to keep things the same. (I can only speak for myself.)
The parenting world especially is changing at a rapid pace. Last week I was blessed to meet with 7 great minds to talk about what's happening in the world of parenting. We all work with parents in some capacity and have all noticed many changes in the world that parents are now faced with that previous generations could not have imagined. Of course, technology is a huge part of how our world has changed and continues to change at warp speed. There are may other changes, too.
The typical family has many faces. There are families with a mom and a dad, there are families with two moms and families with two dads, families with one mom or one dad. Some families have two parents who work, some families have a mom who stays at home, some have a dad who stays at home. Some families have both parents at home. I love the different types of families with whom I get to work and yet the issues they deal with are pretty much the same. Their struggles are similar and their joys are, too.
**Shameless plug alert: I'm starting a group for Stay-At-Home Dads. I've had several requests and I thought we'd give it a whirl. October 23rd at 7:30 P.M. in my office will be our first meeting. There will be no charge for the first meeting. Please share this info with anyone you know who might be interested. Just let me know that you're interested in coming! bette@balancedparenting.com **
Ok, thanks for your patience with that. I'm especially seeing changes in how parents are seeking their parenting information. More parents are looking online for help. YouTube and other sites are today's go-to resources. Feel free to let me know what your favorite parenting resources are. Of course, I don't think we'll ever completely eliminate the good, old-fashioned, in-person meeting. At least, I hope not. I love to share space with parents, be together sharing eye contact and often a good laugh (amidst a few tears). However, in keeping with the changes in this world, I will soon be offering some online options for parenting education, as well. I'll never stop offering the in-person stuff, though. I promise.
I'd love to hear from you all, other parents in the trenches along with me, to hear about how you think parenting is changing, what concerns you and what you think is really cool!
This is an exciting time to be a parent! When my parents were raising my sisters and me, they had one parenting book on their shelf. That was it. That was all there was. No TV shows, no parenting classes...parents just didn't seek out information like we do now. There are new resources surfacing every day that are amazing, astounding and chock-full of good stuff! I'll share with you what I learn and I hope you'll share with me what you learn.
I have had several requests for a Parents of T(w)eens Support Group!
It's here!

We will begin on
Wednesday, November 6th, 2013
7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
The Stonehaus at the Westlake Village Inn
No charge for our first meeting.
Come check it out!
Speaking Engagements Available!
Speaking to Parents in Groups, Schools, and Church/Synagogue Communities is one of my greatest joys. It enables me to share what I'm most passionate about and to give more parents tools and inspiration to make their families even better.
Thank you for introducing me to your community!
Now booking speaking engagements for the late Fall, Winter and Spring!
COMING SOON... My book, Parenting Backwards, Second Edition, will be available on Amazon before the end of this year! Perhaps a thoughtful holiday present, baby gift, or just an "I'm thinking of you" gift. More info to come and the link, too!
Bette Alkazian, LMFT Balanced Parenting |