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Balanced Parenting Newsletter

Kids Change our Marriages Forever!                                     May, 2011                                         

In This Issue
Introducing "Ask Bette"
Taking Good Care of Your Marriage
Coffee with Bette THIS TUESDAY
Support for Parents
My Book is a Great Mothers' Day Gift!
"Ask Bette"


Just email your parenting questions to me and I will be answering your questions on my website through the Balanced Parenting You-Tube Channel


How exciting, huh?


Send your parenting questions to:


  Put "Ask Bette" in the
subject line

Thank you for your help with this new adventure!


"Try not to become a man (or woman)

of success but a man (or woman) of value."

Albert Einstein


If you have any thoughts, suggestions, class ideas, article requests, constructive criticism or otherwise great ideas, feel free to let us know! 
If you enjoy reading this newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends.
Hello, All,
Time is passing quickly.  Can you believe it's May already? My kids are in their final 6 weeks of the school year and we're rolling quickly toward summer.
In this month's newsletter, we're discussing the importance of taking care of your marriage while raising kids. Do you even remember what life was like before kids? It's a faint memory for me. If you're not married, what other changes have you seen within your relationships?
Remember, time is passing quickly. Don't take your relationships for granted because you're busy with little kids. You'll wake up one day and wonder where everyone went. Show love and appreciation as often as possible.
Wishing you balance,








 Having kids changes your relationship dramatically! Of course, you're all laughing at me right now and calling me "Captain Obvious", right? How can it not? You're more tired, the physical demands are immense, the emotional demands are even greater, there are financial strains and at the end of the day, we often don't have much left to give to our partners.  Of course, kids also bring immense joy, fulfillment, fun and so many wonderful blessings!


Parents must push through all of those blessings and burdens and prioritize time with each other.  Taking care of your marriage is essential on so many levels that I don't know where to start. 


First, modeling a loving relationship for your kids is very important.  How will they ever have loving relationships if they don't know what one looks like? Next, kids need to know that the whole world doesn't revolve around THEM. When parents put each other first, the kids learn to respect adults. They learn that they sometimes have to wait and that the world doesn't operate only for them. There are others who come first. This is so important in the fight against "entitlement". 


Another key reason for parents to take care of their marriages is so that their kids will feel safe and secure.  When Mom and Dad are doing ok, the kids are ok. The parents are the foundation of the family.  When the foundation is solid, all is well with the world!


People are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. We are raising our kids for a much shorter percentage of our married lives.  Wouldn't it be great if at the time our kids are all launched that we are so excited to travel and enjoy spending time alone again with our spouses?  To me, that's the ultimate goal!!


The road to that goal isn't always easy.  In fact, it can be a pretty bumpy road at times.  That's true for most couples. The key is commitment.  You don't leave when the going gets tough, you stay and work hard.  That's the message I hope you want to teach your kids, as well, as benefit from yourself.


So, treat yourself to the marriage of your dreams and give your kids 1,000,000 gifts in the process! 







coffee cup 

Coffee with Bette 


We will meet this coming Tuesday,  

May 3rd, from 9:30 - 11:00, open house style at Chocolatine, 2955 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., T.O.


Bring your parenting questions and join the fun!



Remember, the parenting advice is free, but the food and beverages are not!



Parents of 0 - 10 Year Olds!

Put May 11th on your calendars
for our next meeting!


7:30 - 9:00 P.M. 
 268 E. Lombard Street
Thousand Oaks
Please RSVP so I know how many to expect!
Bring a friend!


$35 per person
$50 per couple


This month's topic:
Catch them doing
the right things!
RSVP 805-230-2464 or


The Balanced Parenting Learning Library Introduces:
Makes a great Mothers' Day Gift!

Raising Our Kids to Become Fabulous Adults by Looking Forward and Working Backwards

 by Bette Levy Alkazian
edited by Karyn Blackmore-Hagy


POTTY LEARNING: The Do's, Don'ts and the Oops of Poops

by Bette Levy Alkazian, LMFT


 (available in hard copy or electronically) 
How to order these books:
Go to my website and click on the Learning Library.