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Balanced Parenting Newsletter

You Can't Have Rainbows Without Rain                                     March, 2010                  

In This Issue
There Can't be Rainbows Without the Rain
Coffee with Bette
Support for Parents
The Oops of Poops!
Beginning March 9th...
Finally, the class that teaches you everything you need to know to be the parent you want to be!
Learn how to:
  • Tame the Tantrums
  • Avoid Power Struggles
  • Set Firm Consistent Limits
  • Develop a philosophy as your basis for every interaction with your kids
  • Raise your kids to become amazing adults!
6 Tuesdays
9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 
Introductory Price
Sign up now!

"Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear."


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If you have any thoughts, suggestions, class ideas, article requests, constructive criticism or otherwise great ideas, feel free to let us know! 

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Happy March to all,
Is it just me or is this year flying by?  It's March already! How are you doing on those new year's resolutions? I'm happy to say that I have been really good about going to the gym at least 4 times a week.  That has been my goal for years and I've finally found a way to be successful - go at 5:30 in the morning.  I have no excuses because there's nothing else I can say that I have to do at that time. It's fool-proof.
How can you make one of your goals effortless and excuse-free? 
Wishing you balance,
There can't be rainbows without the rain...
 I have been so inspired lately by all of the rain we have had in Southern California (which is quite unusual for us) and the many rainbows that have come as a joyous by-product. 
When I was in high school, I collected rainbows. I had pictures, bed sheets, a piggy bank, paper weights, and so much more that I can't remember all of these years later.  In total there were over 85 rainbows in my bedroom.  I loved my collection.  The fleeting colorful optimism that the rainbows represented
 fascinated me. 
Well, it's been a few years since my high school years (ok, no chuckles, please) and I'm still brought to tears by the sight of a rainbow.  Perhaps now, I have an even deeper understanding of how precious and fleeting they are and how so many other aspects of life have similar attributes.
For example, babies.  I'm stopped in my tracks everytime I see a baby because, to me, they are like rainbows.  In mere months those babies will be walking, talking little toddlers and no longer will they be little, snuggly infants who will stay in your arms for as long as you'll hold them.
(Heavy sigh...)
So, parents, as my message to you this month, I hope to inspire you to stop moving so quickly.  Enjoy the moment, follow the rainbow, (I've been known to drive out of my way to see the rainbow in all of its glory and park there until it disappears) enjoy your kids at each developmental stage and take time to gaze at the small miracles that happen each day.
When you're teaching your kids your values, when you have to say "no", when it seems they're arguing about everything, when the kids aren't getting along, or when they do things you never thought they would, remember that good things will emerge. Lessons will be learned and unexpected miracles will happen, if you can just be patient through the rain and watch for the rainbow.
Coffee with Bette  coffee cup
Our next Coffee with Bette will be this coming Tuesday, March 2nd from 9:30 to 11 A.M. at Chocolatine in Thousand Oaks.  Come ask me your parenting questions in one of my favorite settings!  Have a latte and a pastry and some stimulating parenting chat!  Check out my website for the full address.  
Parents, kids, grandparents - everyone is welcome! 
We meet the first Tuesday of the month, every month!
Balanced Parenting Website 
P.S.  Don't forget, the parenting advice is free, but the coffee and pastries are not.  :)

Our On-Going Group for
Parents of Preschoolers
will meet next on 
March 10th, 2010
7:30 - 9:00 P.M.
 in my Thousand Oaks office
We meet monthly for learning and support
This is an open group.
Everyone is welcome! 
 $20.00 per month per person
$30.00 per couple
To R.S.V.P., or for further information, please e-mail
or call 805-230-2464
Feel free to pass along the information to anyone you know who might be interested!
We all need support!
Introducing the:
Balanced Parenting Learning Library

POTTY LEARNING: The Do's, Don'ts and the Oops of Poops

 An e-book by
Bette Alkazian, LMFT (that's me!)

Whether you've already accomplished this task with your kids or not, you know what a frustrating time potty training can be.   

If you're somewhere in the process, not yet ready to begin or long past it, but know someone else, this e-book is a great resource!

 Go to my website and click on the Learning Library to purchase this e-book for only $9.99.