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Balanced Parenting Newsletter

When You Wish Upon a Star Your Dreams Come True                 June, 2010                  

In This Issue
When You Wish Upon a Star...
Coffee with Bette
Support for Parents
The Oops of Poops!
 Thank you all for your help answering my survey questions in last month's newsletter.
I appreciate your time and input.
Feel free to make suggestions anytime!
Watch for a new series of classes coming in January of 2011 based upon your suggestions.
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"Always remember that the future comes one day at a time."

If you enjoy reading this newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, class ideas, article requests, constructive criticism or otherwise great ideas, feel free to let us know! 
Happy June,
Where did this school year go? As this year comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on how quickly the years fly by and how much my kids have grown.  
Don't forget to notice the passage of time each day and truly savor your kids before they're all grown up!
Enjoy the fun and freedom that come with summer! 
Wishing you balance,
When you wish upon a star... 
Do you remember when you were little and you wished for so many things?  Childhood is a wish-filled time of life because kids are fairly powerless over their worlds.  No wonder they test the limits of their power with bad behavior!  Our kids just want to feel empowered.  But how much is too much? 
First, ask yourself how YOU make your own wishes come true.  For me, its with hard work and perseverance.  We have to begin to teach our kids how the world works.  Rather than giving in to them and serving their every wish on a silver platter, how can we teach them a lesson closer to how real life works?
When your kids make a wish, or express a want, ask them "what can you do to make that happen?" Be of support and a mentor to help them brainstorm different ideas that will enable them to make their own dreams come true. 
It's ok to delay their gratification and to let them live without that perfect toy.  Our kids will appreciate their things much more when they have waited for them or, even better, when they have earned them!
Coffee with Bette  coffee cup
Our next Coffee with Bette is this coming, Tuesday, June 1st from 9:30 to 11 A.M. at Chocolatine in Thousand Oaks.  Come ask me your parenting questions in one of my favorite settings!  Have a latte and a pastry and some stimulating parenting chat!  Check out my website for the full address.  
Parents, kids, grandparents - everyone is welcome! 
We meet the first Tuesday of the month, every month!
Balanced Parenting Website 
P.S.  Don't forget, the parenting advice is free, but the coffee and pastries are not.  :)

Our On-Going Group for
Parents of Preschoolers
will meet next on 
Wednesday, June 9th, 2010
7:30 - 9:00 P.M.
 in my Thousand Oaks office
We meet monthly for learning and support
This is an open group.
Everyone is welcome! 
 $20.00 per month per person
$30.00 per couple
To R.S.V.P., or for further information, please e-mail
or call 805-230-2464
Feel free to pass along the information to anyone you know who might be interested!
We all need support!
Introducing the:
Balanced Parenting Learning Library

POTTY LEARNING: The Do's, Don'ts and the Oops of Poops

 An e-book by
Bette Alkazian, LMFT (that's me!)

Whether you've already accomplished this task with your kids or not, you know what a frustrating time potty training can be.   

If you're somewhere in the process, not yet ready to begin or long past it, but know someone else, this e-book is a great resource!

 Go to my website and click on the Learning Library to purchase this e-book for only $9.99.
 Also available in hard copy at